I have been posting to this blog for over 13 years, each year reporting on accomplishments over the prior year and goals for the new year.

2024 is a little different. I’ve decided that this Blog will be my main photography communication vehicle. Content will be varied and in the spirit of my approach to photography as described on the "About" page of my website at www.jeffmarcowitz.photography 

Unlike the past, all content posted here in the blog will NOT also be on the website Project W pages. I intend to make the Project W pages more of a curated collection of work representing the “Best Of” images posted here on the Blog. With a subscription, you'll continue to receive an email (with content) whenever I post to the Project W Blog.

Thanks to all of you who have followed this photo blog for many years and welcome to any newcomers. My hope is that the images and stories are interesting and thought-provoking as I continue this creative journey. As always, comments, critiques and suggestions (here and the website) are welcome and appreciated as they often lead to new ideas and inspiration.

Thank You.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lots of Bricks in the Wall

1/31/11 - Week 5
Posted for Daily Shoot assignment #442: "Make a photograph that features repetition."  The difference between this brick wall and every other one is the detail in the jointery.  Not the typical raked joint.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Stump Monster

1/30/11 - Week 5
While this shot was taken earlier in January, I experimented today with b&w conversion.

Up & Over

1/29/11 - Week 5
This shot was taken on the Halsted Street bridge over a branch of the Chicago River.  There has been no sun, and therefore no hard light, but this bridge structure provides some strong shadow for Daily Shoot #441: "Make a photograph using hard light today.  Feature the crisp and strong shadows as a major element of your photograph."  It is a stretch, but I'm submitting it anyway.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why Eight?

1/29/11 - Week 5
Frank and I took a class today on black & white conversion.  I felt like a kindergarten kid in a high school physics class.  Pretty complicated stuff.  Therefore, before trying any of the techniques provided at the class, thought I'd try Nik Software's Silver Efex Pro plug-in.  This shot is taken on the Halsted Street bridge over a branch of the Chicago River.  I didn't understand the reasoning behind the pattern in the steel plate at the top of the bridge.

Week 5 ☞ 01.29.11 - 02.04.11

Theme: Black & White Conversion 
This week my friend Frank and I are taking a course called "Every Black and White Conversion Technique Known to Man with Vincent Versace."  Naturally, this week's theme therefore should be based on applying this new knowledge. 
For this week's shots, other than those undergoing b/w conversion, please check out my Flickr Photostream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffm211/

Friday, January 28, 2011


1/28/11 - Week 4
Yesterday I downloaded this new camera app for my Android phone called Retro Camera.  Took a couple of hip shots on the way to the train after work.  This one is SOOCP.

Below the Belly of the Beast

1/28/11 - Week 4
Yesterday I downloaded this new camera app for my Android phone called Retro Camera.  Walked around at lunch today to give it a try.  This shot is beneath the "L" tracks which circle the Chicago Loop.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

11,385 Feet

1/26/11 - Week 4
At the top of Elk Camp chairlift overlooking Maroun Bells, shot with cell phone camera.  It was pretty cold and therefore hard to hold the phone steady.  Two days of skiing with fantastic conditions.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Elk Camp Gondola - Plate 2

1/25/11 - Week 4
Riding the gondola up the mountain at Snowmass, CO.  Shot with cell phone SymmetriCa.

Elk Camp Gondola - Plate 1

1/25/11 - Week 4
Riding the gondola up the mountain at Snowmass, CO.  Shot with cell phone SymmetriCam.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


1/22/11 - Week 4
Went for a haircut today and saw these colorful cans and tubes of hair product.  I also liked the message conveyed by the brand name.  Shot with my cell phone camera using the Posterize feature for Project52, and for Daily Shoot #433: "Make a photo that features stripes of some sort today."

Week 4 ☞ 01.22.11 - 01.28.11

Theme: Cell Phone Camera 
Due to some planned travel this week, I will probably be shooting a multitude of subject matter with two or three cameras.  Consistently though, I'll have my cell phone camera with the standard camera app and the Android app, Fx Camera.  This week's theme just might bring a SymmetriCam shot.
For this week's shots, other than those taken with the cell phone, check out my Flickr Photostream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffm211/

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Divert & Refuel

1/18/11 - Week 3
So this is what the Syracuse airport looks like.  Chicago to Boston flight was diverted for refueling after a long holding pattern.

Monday, January 17, 2011


1/17/11 - Week 3
Train waiting to leave Union Station this afternoon.

Twenty Seven Seconds...

1/17/11 - Week
...until dinner.  Toast for the PB&J.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Perfect Chance for a 3Fer

1/16/11 - Week 3
The 3Fer referred to in the title is being able to use the same shot for three submissions.
1) Project52: "Selective Color"
2) Daily Shoot #427: "Today's theme is blue. Make a photograph dominated by the color or that otherwise illustrates the theme."
3) MacroMondays: Theme - "Broken".  Broken toothpicks, count, right?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Skis & Bindings

1/15/11 - Week 3
Shot for this week's theme of  "Selective Color" for my Project52. For a non-selective color shot of a similar subject, see http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffm211/5358611426/

Week 3 ☞ 01.15.11 - 01.21.11

Theme:  Selective Color

I always shoot in color, but sometimes an image is more effective in black & white.  Black & White conversion will be a future theme, however this week is going to be a combination of color and black & white.  Selective color is used to emphasize a part of an image, while the rest of the image is desaturated.  Typically I have thought about selective color after the fact.  This week's theme will help me to think about it when taking the photo.  An example of a selective color photo can be found here:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffm211/5355737504/

Since I may take shots outside of the weekly theme, if you are interested in checking those out, please see my Flickr Photostream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffm211/ 

Friday, January 14, 2011

To The Gate

1/14/11 - Week 2
Waiting at the SFO Red Carpet Club for my flight home, I checked today's Daily Shoot assignment #425: "Let's play with movement today. Get a shot of something in motion. Freeze it or let it blur.  It's up to you!"  Since I had the D90 with me this week, I was able to play around with the settings to capture some shots of people coming and going.

My Good Friend David

1/13/11 - Week 2

A group of my colleagues convened for dinner tonight at Hot Wok Cafe in San Mateo, CA.  This Chinese restaurant has, by a longshot, the best hot and sour soup I've ever had.  I caught David, who is always a happy, jovial guy, in a moment of trying to control the fire burning in his mouth and gut.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Knee Shot

1/10/11 - Week 2
Another walking around shot with the 50mm lens.  This one was a "knee level" shot on the way to the train Monday evening and was processed in Silver Efex Pro.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hip Shot

1/10/11 - Week 2
Walking around with the 50mm lens this week.  I did some hip shooting on the way to the train this evening and caught the rhythm of the railing for today's Daily Shoot #421: "Create a photograph today that illustrates or shows rhythm."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sheer Beauty

1/9/11 - Week 2

Another shot taken in the forest preserve yesterday.  I unintentionally did a double exposure in camera with one of the shots being vertical motion blur.  Interesting window sheer effect.


1/9/11 - Week 2

An important symbol - the Hebrew word "Chai", meaning "Life".  Shot with my 50mm f1.8 with a reversing ring.

Theme: Belief


1/9/11 - Week 2

A mezuzah on our doorpost.


Theme: Belief

I Used To Be a Rabbit...

1/9/11 - Week 2
...but I still believe in magic.

Shot for today's Daily Shoot #420: "Embrace the shadows today and make a photograph dominated by dark tones, also known as a low-key image.



Theme: Belief

Saturday, January 8, 2011


1/8/11 - Week 2
Have been wanting to try the vertical motion blur with my DSLR camera since I saw a cool shot by a Flickr friend last week.  This is the first of a series taken in a forest preserve today using my 50mm lens.  More will be posted later in the week.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Week 2 ☞ 01.08.11 - 01.14.11

Theme:  Nifty Fifty

Throughout my Project 365 last year, I did not use my 50mm f1.8 all that often.  Even though I'm traveling again this next week, the D90 with 50mm is not too bulky to take along.  Additionally, I'll bring the reversing ring so maybe a macro will find its way into the mix.

Since I may take shots outside of the weekly theme, if you are interested in checking those out, please see my Flickr Photostream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffm211/ 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Spider Legs vs. The Purple King

1/6/11 - Week 1

After dinner with colleagues at Thai Satay in South San Francisco, I saw this wicked illuminated tree and shot it with SymmetriCam.  Image reminds me of a late night "B" movie, hence the title.  And for the second night in a row, honestly, one beer. 

Also shot for today's Daily Shoot #417: "Go high contrast today and make a photograph with tons of pop.  Do as much in-camera as possible."

Blur at the Brewery

1/5/11 - Week 1
After dinner with a colleague at Steelhead Brewery in Burlingame (California), I wanted to experiment with vertical motion blur.  Honest, I only had one beer.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Texture of Ice

1/2/11 - Week 1

Texture in the ice illuminated by a low sun created refractions of colored bokeh.

Also shot for today's Daily Shoot #413: "Find an interesting texture today and make a photograph."

Theme:  Transformation

Where There's Smoke...

1/2/11 - Week 1
...there's incense.

Theme: Transformation

Transformation of H2O

1/2/11 - Week 1
Happens every time you make a cup of tea.

Theme: Transformation

Transformation of H2O

1/2/11 - Week 1

Happens every time it snows.


Theme: Transformation

Saturday, January 1, 2011


1/1/11 - Week 1

Another macro shot taken after the rain yesterday.

For more images, check out my Flickr photostream at:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffm211/

Effects of ColorEfx

1/1/11 - Week 1
Late last year, my friend Frank introduced me to a software suite from Nik Software. It opens up a whole range of possibilities in the digital darkroom. This is but one example.

Also submitting for today's Daily Shoot #412: "Make a photo illustrating a fresh start, a new beginning, or the first step to a goal."

Bokeh Collage

1/1/11 - Week 1

Although I took these yesterday, today I processed them. Since the theme for this week in P52 is "Anything Goes", I'm posting them for this week's set.

The Tradition Continues...

1/1/11 - Week 1
...on New Years with a movie and dinner. This year, we closed down the restaurant, and it wasn't that late.

Week 1 ☞ 01.01.11 - 01.07.11

Theme:  Anything Goes

I'm looking forward to getting started on Project52.  For this first week, I think a slow, easy start is the way to go - no boundaries, no restrictions.  Since I'll be traveling part of the week, this open theme gives me flexibility on camera choice.

We'll see how this all rolls out.  Maybe I'll post when shot or maybe post all towards the end of the week.  One thing is for sure however...I will keep shooting and posting.

Happy New Year friends and welcome aboard.