I met him in March 2011. He was the first of my $2 Portraits. I remember the unease I felt at our first encounter. Today, he seems like an old friend.
As reported around this time of year in 2012 and 2013, I continue to see him often. He still hangs out at the same two spots and rarely a day goes by when I’m in town that I don’t catch him either on the way into the office or on the way home. This was a tough winter in Chicago and when I didn’t see Robert out there, I wondered about his surviving the extreme conditions.
We’ve talked occasionally since the end of March about the weather warming up and hoping to grab breakfast and sit in the park to just talk. Here we are at the beginning of May and temps are still in the 40’s and low 50’s. I saw Robert on Wednesday this week and brought him his favorite McDonald’s McGriddle. Since I didn’t have my camera, we agreed to do the 3 year anniversary photo on Friday, weather notwithstanding. Robert also said he wanted to shave before the photoshoot. So despite the 46 degree temperature and overcast skies today, I brought him breakfast and took his photo. I saw him again this afternoon on the way to the train and he reminded me to bring him a color copy of the photo, which I promised to do.
I sometimes wonder what he does, or where he goes, between the morning and evening commute times. Perhaps when the weather warms up, I’ll find out and chronicle his day. In the meantime, I gave him a few dollars for the weekend for which he was, as usual, very grateful.
Taken 5/2/14