I have been posting to this blog for over 13 years, each year reporting on accomplishments over the prior year and goals for the new year.

2024 is a little different. I’ve decided that this Blog will be my main photography communication vehicle. Content will be varied and in the spirit of my approach to photography as described on the "About" page of my website at www.jeffmarcowitz.photography 

Unlike the past, all content posted here in the blog will NOT also be on the website Project W pages. I intend to make the Project W pages more of a curated collection of work representing the “Best Of” images posted here on the Blog. With a subscription, you'll continue to receive an email (with content) whenever I post to the Project W Blog.

Thanks to all of you who have followed this photo blog for many years and welcome to any newcomers. My hope is that the images and stories are interesting and thought-provoking as I continue this creative journey. As always, comments, critiques and suggestions (here and the website) are welcome and appreciated as they often lead to new ideas and inspiration.

Thank You.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Fresh Green Light

Fresh Green Light
52Frames - Week 31 - Wide Aperture

Another week without much opportunity or motivation to shoot photos.  However, I did carry around the camera with my widest aperture lens and captured this storefront photo with 3 frames within the frame.

Sony A7C @ f1.8 1/250 16mm ISO 250
Samyang AF 35mm F1.8

Photographed 7/28/21

Saturday, July 24, 2021

A 2fer

A 2fer
52Frames - Week 30 - Distorted

CLondon52w30: Self Portrait

From the C.London website: “Oh no. The dreaded self-portrait. Listen, I’m the first to hate having the lens turned on myself.  That said, years back I forced myself to become comfortable with it by doing a 365 day self-portrait project.  And I learnt a lot.  For this week you are the subject.  Be as literal or creative with this as you’d like.”

I've been under the weather all week and haven't had much opportunity or motivation to shoot photos.  But the stars aligned when the two weekly challenges in which I participate could be fulfilled with a single photo.

Close focus + wide angle + tripod + flash = Distorted Selfie.

Sony A7C @ f6.7 1/60 16mm ISO 6400
Sony FE 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS
OCF at 1/128th power

Photographed 7/23/21

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Observer

The Observer
Lake Forest, IL

Sony A7C @ f8 1/250 58mm ISO 320
Tamron E 28-75mm F2.8

Photographed 7/12/21

Monday, July 19, 2021


CLondon52w29: Portrait of a Friend

From the C.London website: “Let’s do portraits! Find a willing model (yes, your dog will do just fine) and work to capture their personality in the image. Pay attention to lighting, posing, and environment.”

My good friend Irwin has been the subject in many of my photos over the years so it was natural that I ask him to do so once again.  I have always captured him in a recreational setting but never in the business he built over a long career.  In 2015, his daughter and partner’s son purchased the business and it continues to excel under their leadership.  Irwin still consults part-time in the business so I wanted to convey that part of his story.

So on this Sunday afternoon, Chicago Glue & Machine was the destination.  Irwin was proud of what he built and I was like a kid in a candy store.

Sony A7C @ f2.8 1/250 28mm ISO 1250
Tamron E 28-75mm F2.8

Photographed 7/18/21

Sunday, July 18, 2021

One River

One River
Evanston, IL

Great storefront for an art & design school.

Sony A7C @ f9.5 1/250 35mm ISO 320
Samyang AF 35mm F1.8

Photographed 7/7/21

Saturday, July 17, 2021


Evanston, IL

Even though across the street, I still think he saw me.

Sony A7C @ f9.5 1/250 35mm ISO 500
Samyang AF 35mm F1.8

Photographed 7/7/21

Friday, July 16, 2021


52Frames - Week 29 - Product Photography

I've been waiting for the appropriate week to use this awesome gift from a friend for the photo challenge.

Technically, this is far from perfect.  I didn't have the patience to set up proper lighting/flash and therefore went handheld with available light.  Good enough to keep the streak alive.

And by the way, it's really good coffee!

Sony A7C @ f5.6 1/200 43mm ISO 12800
Sony FE 28-60mm F4-5.6

Photographed 7/16/21

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Rainbow In Her Hair

Evanston, IL

Color coordinated.

Sony A7C @ f9.5 1/250 35mm ISO 400
Samyang AF 35mm F1.8

Photographed 7/7/21

Monday, July 12, 2021

Sweet Corn Alley

Sweet Corn Alley
Clondon52w28: Candid

From the C.London website: “People (and animals!) more often than not freeze up when aware that a lens is pointed at them.  Get those natural expressions by photographing a candid moment.”

My intent for this week was to shoot a candid using or incorporating a reflection.  Not being terribly successful, I returned to my car where I discovered this cool garden shop along an alleyway.  I used my sunroof to capture the alley reflection and was lucky to have a potential customer make eye contact with the proprietor.

Sony A7C @ f8 1/250 45mm ISO 500
Tamron E 28-75mm F2.8

Photographed 7/12/21

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Jay's Barber Shop

Jay's Barber Shop
Evanston, IL

The old time barber pole caught my attention and then was photobombed when lining up the shot. "So sorry man", he said. "No worries", I replied.

I love when that happens!

Sony A7C @ f9.5 1/250 35mm ISO 1000
Samyang AF 35mm F1.8

Photographed 7/7/21

Saturday, July 10, 2021


I met Andre on Davis Street in Evanston as he asked folks for some help with train fare. His destination was downtown Kenosha where there is a spot in a shelter lined up but he needs to get there before it is given away.  Andre was born in Zion, IL and is 47 years old.  He has family in the Chicago area and Wisconsin who are all struggling.  Before the pandemic, Andre was a laborer, unloading trucks for a liquor distributor, but there is no work for him now.  Andre was not the talkative sort so I gave him $2 and wished him well in getting to Kenosha.  He thanked me and turned his attention to others on the street.

Sony A7C @ f9.5 1/250 35mm ISO 160
Samyang AF 35mm F1.8

Photographed 7/7/21

Friday, July 9, 2021


I met Kev along Sherman Avenue in downtown Evanston.  He was asking for some change and I asked him if he’d heard of $2 Portraits.  He said he has but didn’t have $2 to give for a portrait.  I explained to him I’d give him $2 if he allowed me to take his picture and told me a bit of his story, to which he readily agreed.

Kev is 62 years old and was born and raised on the west side of Chicago where he still resides.  He comes into Evanston because the people are nice and he sees some of them on a regular basis.  He’s able to pick up enough money for transportation and food.  Kev has no family left other than a sister in a nursing home.  When I asked about what kind of work he did, Kev said he’s been disabled for a long time and never had any long-term jobs.

Kev was outgoing, yet soft-spoken and therefore a bit difficult to understand.  We did joke about the sign behind him that said “Warning…”.  When I pointed it out, he smiled and said “Nothin’ to worry about; I’m a friendly guy”.  I gave Kev $2 and wished him luck for which he thanked me.

Sony A7C @ f9.5 1/250 35mm ISO 640
Samyang AF 35mm F1.8

Photographed 7/7/21

Thursday, July 8, 2021

$157,000 M8

$157,000 M8
52Frames - Week 28 - Transportation

Killing time in the showroom with the camera while my "cheap" car is being serviced.

Sony A7C @ f8 1/125 35mm ISO 1600
Samyang AF 35mm F1.8

Photographed 7/7/21

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Tara & Tomas

Tara & Tomas
Clondon52w27:  PHOTOGRAPHER HIGHLIGHT:  Diane Arbus

From the C.London website:  “Diane Arbus is known for her captivating portraits wherein she aimed to normalize marginalized groups with the end goal of highlighting the importance of representation of all people. 

For this week, choose a subject which may be ‘othered’ and showcase what makes it special, beautiful unique, interesting, or any other positive adjective that comes to mind. If you are using human subjects, be sure that you are not exploiting the subject. Diane was extremely genuine in her interactions and capturing of the subjects, and we would like to stay true to that spirit.”

I am asking for special dispensation on this week’s challenge since this photograph, made in January 2015, satisfies the prompt in visual quality, story and spirit.  I made an attempt today to shoot a new photo for the prompt and while I could use one if absolutely required, this image for me is too compelling to pass up.

This photo was originally shot for $2 Portraits, a project I began participating in over 10 years ago (https://flic.kr/s/aHsju1ayAB).  Of the 90+ images I’ve made for this project, this is one of the most memorable.  The story behind this photo follows.

San Francisco, CA
January 21, 2015

They were huddled together against the stone wall on the sidewalk along Powell Street, holding a sign but barely making eye contact with the passersby.  The first time I walked by them, I sensed their isolation.  As I circled back, they looked up and our eyes met.  I kneeled down and we began to talk.  I asked them if they’ve heard of $2 Portraits; they had not.  After explaining the project and telling them since they were two, I’d give them $4, they readily agreed to participate.  The ensuing story is one not previously encountered in almost 4 years of doing this project.

Tomas & Tara, 24 and 21 years old respectively, are originally from New York and have been in San Francisco for 6 months.  Tara then told me she just had a baby on the 17th.  I thought she had said August 17th.  She corrected me…she gave birth 4 days ago.  I was floored…but skeptical.  Pictures of them with their baby convinced me otherwise.

Tomas & Tara moved to SF with the understanding that friends of theirs were going to let them share their apartment.  Once they arrived however, their friends recanted and they were left without a place to live.  They usually found shelter but Tara said it was a tough pregnancy roughing it on the street.

Tomas & Tara’s baby is still in the hospital, perfectly healthy except for some jaundice caused by different blood types between mother and child.  The baby will be released on Saturday and fortunately they have found a shelter to live in.  They are alone in San Francisco, no friends…no family…but have an optimism about them that was surprising.  They talked about lots of resources in San Francisco to help folks in their situation get on their feet.  Tomas is looking for a job - he’s a certified auto mechanic.  Tara worked as a dental assistant and has a 2 year Associates business degree.  I asked if they considered moving back to New York to be with family.  Tomas said his mother is working and has his two teenaged siblings at home and they all live below the poverty level; no help there.  They didn’t talk about other family as being options.

Tomas & Tara were grateful for the conversation and very thankful when I gave them $20 instead of $4.  Tears welled up in Tara’s eyes when she said they had to get some clothes for the baby and this would help.  I wished them luck, told them I hoped not to encounter them again on the street and then walked away very sad.

Photographed 1/21/15

Panasonic DMC-GX7 @ f1.8 1/320 17mm (34mm equiv) ISO 3200
Olympus M 17mm F1.8

Re-Processed 7/7/21

Monday, July 5, 2021

Three Modes

Three Modes
Venice Beach, CA

As much as I'd like to, I cannot use this photo for 52Frames-Week 28-Transportation because it was shot 2 weeks too early.

Sony A7C @ f4 1/350 26mm ISO 100
Sony FE 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS

Photographed 6/22/21

Friday, July 2, 2021

Another Preview

Another Preview
52Frames - Week 27 - Black And White

Van Gogh felt it important to master black and white before color.  This is one of very few b/w images that were part of the Immersive exhibition.

See HERE for the prior post describing this exhibition.

Apple iPhone 12 Pro @ f1.6 1/25 4.2mm ISO 1000

Photographed 7/1/21

Thursday, July 1, 2021

A Preview

A Preview
Immersive Van Gogh
Chicago, IL

For our anniversary today, we went to the Lighthouse Artspace Chicago to experience the Immersive Van Gogh exhibition.  It was an audio-visual treat that is hard to describe.  I was shocked upon entry that cameras were allowed.  Didn't even consider that they might be, so all the photos I made were with my iPhone since the mirrorless was left at home.  I had a blast photographing both the art of Van Gogh and the people experiencing the exhibition.  It will take some time to piece a story together, so this image is just a taste.

BTW, the exhibition runs through November so check it out.

Apple iPhone 12 Pro @ f1.6 1/7 4.2mm ISO 2000

Photographed 7/1/21