I have been posting to this blog for over 13 years, each year reporting on accomplishments over the prior year and goals for the new year.

2024 is a little different. I’ve decided that this Blog will be my main photography communication vehicle. Content will be varied and in the spirit of my approach to photography as described on the "About" page of my website at www.jeffmarcowitz.photography 

Unlike the past, all content posted here in the blog will NOT also be on the website Project W pages. I intend to make the Project W pages more of a curated collection of work representing the “Best Of” images posted here on the Blog. With a subscription, you'll continue to receive an email (with content) whenever I post to the Project W Blog.

Thanks to all of you who have followed this photo blog for many years and welcome to any newcomers. My hope is that the images and stories are interesting and thought-provoking as I continue this creative journey. As always, comments, critiques and suggestions (here and the website) are welcome and appreciated as they often lead to new ideas and inspiration.

Thank You.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Visual Notes - Nature

Additions to the Visual Notes collection observed from nature during a September 2022 trip to Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Visual Notes 26A

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Sony A7C @ f9 1/125 109mm  ISO 640
Tamron E 28-200mm F2.8-5.6 A071

Photographed 9/21/22

Life Within
"Life Within"
Visual Notes 26B

Zagreb, Croatia
Close-up of a sycamore tree trunk in an urban square.

Ricoh GRIIIx @ f5.6  1/125  40mm equiv  ISO 125

Photographed 9/25/22

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Not A Polyglot

52 Frames - Week 39 - Letters

Ataturk Airport
Istanbul, Turkey

52Frames - Week 39 - Letters

Probably would have gone hungry on the flight from Istanbul to Chicago had the menu only been been in Turkish.  The food & wine on Turkish Airlines business class is outstanding.  And the tri-lingual menu is perfect for this week's challenge.

Apple iPhone 12 Pro @ f2.0  1/60  6mm (52mm equiv)  ISO 200

52Frames - Week 39 - Letters (Alternate)

In the Turkish Airlines lounge, multiple screens were displaying news channels from around the world.  Thank goodness for BBC; it was the only channel I could read and understand.

Apple iPhone 12 Pro @ f1.6  1/75  4.2mm (28mm equiv)  ISO 100

All Photographed 9/26/22

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


2022_CLondon52w39: Inspired By A Song

From the C.London website: "Let’s get a 52 Weeks playlist going! This week, draw inspiration from a song of your choice. Is it a deep and meaningful song, or just one which makes you happy? Play off those emotions for your photo this week. And yes, please share the song with us!"

After 11 hours in the air through multiple time zones, and flying over the city whose name is the same as the group, Chicago's song "Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is?" seemed an appropriate choice for this week's image.

Apple iPhone 12 Pro @ f2.0 1/570 6mm (79mm equiv) ISO 25

Photographed 9/26/22

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Blinded By The Light

Blinded By The Light52Frames - Week 38 - One Light Source

Travel this week made planning a photo difficult. I had to react quickly to any opportunities that presented themselves. This walk through town in late afternoon provided some flexibility to move around and capture rim light scenes.

Ricoh GRIIIx @ f4.5 1/1000 40mm equiv ISO 125

Photographed 9/21/22

Friday, September 23, 2022

No End In Sight

No End In Sight
2022_CLondon52w38: Boxed-In

From the C.London website: Open For Interpretation

Photographed in a bus in a tunnel through a mountain somewhere in Croatia.

Apple iPhone 12 Pro @ f1.6 1/50 4.2mm (26mm equiv) ISO 500

Photographed 9/19/22

Wednesday, September 21, 2022


Somewhere enroute.

Sony A7C @ f8 1/350 87mm ISO 100
Tamron E 28-200mm F2.8-5.6 A071

Photographed 9/10/22

Friday, September 16, 2022

Into The Unknown

Into The Unknown
2022_CLondon52w37: ARTIST SPOTLIGHT: Denis Villeneuve

From the C.London website: "Blade Runner 2049, Arrival, Dune. Maybe I’m outing myself as a SciFi enthusiast, but I think it’s not a stretch to call Denis Villeneuve as one of the strongest contemporary voices in cinema at the moment. I personally pull a lot of inspiration from his use of scale and color. Choose one of his films, or study some stills from his films for your inspiration this week."

Image inspired by Arrival (2016)

Sony A7C @ f7.1 1/125 28mm ISO 100

Tamron E 28-200mm F2.8-5.6 A071

Photographed 9/14/22

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Sunlight Over Sarajevo

Sunlight Over Sarajevo
Yellow Bastion Overlook
Sarajevo, BiH

Sony A7C @ f7.1 1/90 70mm ISO 100
Tamron E 28-200mm F2.8-5.6 A071

Photographed 9/13/22

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Enis & Kristijan

Enis & Kristijan
52Frames - Week 37 - Portrait Of A Stranger

In the morning we were strangers; by evening we were friends.

We met for the very first time the morning of our 3-day trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina. We talked endlessly…history, religion, politics, business, upbringing and family. We explored each other's customs and practices. And as a bonus, we discovered common interests of photography & cycling.

Wise beyond their years, our half century gap in age was easily bridged as we learned a lot from each other.

While not 100% in line with the “approaching a stranger” concept of the challenge, I decided to use this story based strength of the human connection.

Sony A7C @ f8 1/90 28mm ISO 12800
Tamron E 28-200mm F2.8-5.6 A071

Photographed 9/12/22

Saturday, September 10, 2022

On Approach

On Approach
52Frames - Week 36 - Golden Hour

Do I use a crappy streak saver photo I shot at home or one that dances along the edge of golden hour from a more interesting location?

The latter won out.

Ricoh GRIIIx @ f6.3 1/1000 40mm equiv ISO 400

Photographed 9/10/22

Thursday, September 8, 2022

It's All Good Man

It's All Good Man
2022_CLondon52w36: A Notable Character from Film or Television

From the C.London website: "There are so many stand out characters from film and TV, so you’ve got a lot to choose from here. If in Week 32 you went more literal with the prompt, I would suggest using this week to be more figurative, and vice versa."

One of the best!

Sony A7C @ f8 1/750 37mm ISO 100
Tamron E 28-200mm F2.8-5.6 A071

Photographed 9/8/22

Friday, September 2, 2022

Spider EX

Spider EX
2022_CLondon52w35: What Are You Watching?

From the C.London website: "We’ve focused a bit on cinema in previous weeks, but we’re going to open it up a little bit. This week I want you to draw inspiration from either a film or a TV show you’ve recently watched. Similar to Week 31, notice what it is about the film or show that interests you and incorporate that into your photo this week."

I don’t watch much television and haven’t seen many movies lately. I have watched golf tournaments and admire the consistency, power and accuracy of the professional golfers. It seems that most of the players on tour use a “mallet” putter. I’ve struggled for years with a “blade” putter. After watching the pros and trying out a friend’s new putter, I bit the bullet and got one of my own. Turned out to be great because 1) it helped my game, and 2) my family contributed and made it a birthday present.

Ricoh GRIIIx @ f5 1/160 40mm equiv ISO 200 Macro

Photographed 9/1/22