I have been posting to this blog for over 13 years, each year reporting on accomplishments over the prior year and goals for the new year.

2024 is a little different. I’ve decided that this Blog will be my main photography communication vehicle. Content will be varied and in the spirit of my approach to photography as described on the "About" page of my website at www.jeffmarcowitz.photography 

Unlike the past, all content posted here in the blog will NOT also be on the website Project W pages. I intend to make the Project W pages more of a curated collection of work representing the “Best Of” images posted here on the Blog. With a subscription, you'll continue to receive an email (with content) whenever I post to the Project W Blog.

Thanks to all of you who have followed this photo blog for many years and welcome to any newcomers. My hope is that the images and stories are interesting and thought-provoking as I continue this creative journey. As always, comments, critiques and suggestions (here and the website) are welcome and appreciated as they often lead to new ideas and inspiration.

Thank You.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


7/30/11 - Week 31
Since our birthdays are only 20 days apart, our boys threw us a party for our 60th.
Old photo processing for SliderSunday. HSS!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Terminal Reflection

O'Hare Airport
Terminal 1 - Concourse C
Chicago, IL

No trickery, no SymmetriCam, just highly polished floors.
Submitted for ShutterSalt "reflections".  Also submitted for ClicheSaturday. HCS

Taken 7/27/11
Posted 7/30/11 - Week 31

Week 31 ☞ 07.30.11 - 08.05.11

Theme: Potpourri

Our boys + girlfriends are all in town for our 60th birthdays plus some travel this week makes a narrow theme impractical.  This is just another way of saying..."Anything Goes".

Not everything I shoot makes it into the Project52.  If you are interested in checking out additional pictures, please see my Flickr Photostream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffm211/ 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

100 Steps from the Airplane

7/26/11 - Week 30
Quintessential California.  Camera in hand, I counted steps off the plane today after landing in San Francisco.

100 Steps from the Car - Plate II

7/25/11 - Week 30
Chicago, IL

100 Steps from the Car - Plate I

7/25/11 - Week 30
Chicago, IL

Saturday, July 23, 2011

100 Steps at Menards

100 Steps at Menards
7/23/11 - Week 30
100 steps from the parking lot when running some errands. Inspired by ShutterSalt and processed for SliderSunday. HSS!

Week 30 ☞ 07.23.11 - 07.29.11

Theme: 100 Steps...

Inspired this week by "Steal This Idea" from the ShutterSalt.com website, images this week will be taken 100 steps away from where I say "go".  Not necessarily from "my door", but rather from anywhere (work, parking lot, etc.).  For the original assignment idea, check out http://shuttersalt.com/ideas/100-steps-your-door.

Not everything I shoot makes it into the Project52.  If you are interested in checking out additional pictures, please see my Flickr Photostream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffm211/ 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Biker Chick

Biker Chick
Via Flickr:
7/21/11 - Week 29
Union Square
San Francisco, CA

Frank Chu

Frank Chu
Via Flickr:
7/21/11 - Week 29
I did not recall his name, but a Flickr friend, Kieran, has featured him before.

Union Square
San Francisco, CA

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point
Via Flickr:
7/20/11 - Week 29
Financial District
San Francisco, CA

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tough Choice

Tough Choice
Via Flickr:
7/20/11 - Week 29
Tadich Grill
Financial District
San Francisco, CA

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

_ _ _ _ lina by Pontiac

_ _ _ _ lina by Pontiac
Via Flickr:
7/19/11 - Week 29
This sweet convertible has definitely seen better days.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Finchy Has Landed

The Finchy Has Landed
Via Flickr:
7/17/11 - Week 29
Not often I can capture these guys at the feeder but today with the 70-300mm, I was successful. Then I processed on the iPad for SliderSunday. HSS!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

iPad Upload Sans Laptop

7/16/11 - Week 29
It is not the subject of this shot that matters; rather the import, processing and posting without a laptop is what matters.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Week 29 ☞ 07.16.11 - 07.22.11

Theme: Workflow Using the iPad

In preparation for our fall trip, I bought a couple new iPad apps for image enhancement and syncing with Lightroom.  All shots taken this week will be first imported into the iPad, processed, posted and then sync'ed to the laptop.

Not everything I shoot makes it into the Project52.  If you are interested in checking out additional pictures, please see my Flickr Photostream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffm211/ 


Friday, July 15, 2011

Ricky T.

On Market Street, I was approached by this gentlemen selling pamphlets of his poetry as well as the Street Sheet.  I told him about the $2 Portrait project and he agreed to let me take his picture.  Ricky Teague is 54 years old and is from Oakland.  I looked at his poetry and it all had a religious flavor.  "So you're a man of faith, right Ricky?", I asked.  In a very soft-spoken manner, "Isn't everyone?", he replied.  "Some people have found it and those that haven't, are looking for it.  We're all here for a reason, and I'm here to find the good in people."  Hard to argue with that.  We talked for a few more minutes, I gave Ricky $2 and wished him well in his search for good people.

Taken 7/14/11
Posted 7/15/11 - Week 28

No. 7

7/14/11 - Week 28
South of Market
San Francisco, CA

Ricky B.

At the corner of Geary and Powell, I was just kicking back watching the activity on this bustling corner when he approached me asking for help in getting something to eat.  I told him about the $2 Portrait project and he immediately agreed, stuck out his hand and introduced himself as Ricky Brandon.  Ricky immediately apologized for his appearance; said he followed a strict dress code in the car business where he had been a salesman for 27 years.  Ricky said he loves sales and loves talking to people.  In addition to being in the car business, he worked for JC Penney and most recently worked a telemarketing job in Oakland which he lost 5 months ago.  He had a small place in the Tenderloin but he lost that because he couldn't afford it any more.  He talked about how expensive it is in San Francisco and complained about all the crackheads on the street.  When asked if he messed around with drugs, he adamantly replied, "Never have, never will."

Ricky is 54 years old and divorced.  Said his ex-wife hates him.  His only son, 34 years old, died 2 months ago of a heart attack brought on by the psychotropic drugs he was taking for bipolar disorder, which Ricky admitted to having also.  For as tough as his life is, Ricky did not seem downtrodden or depressed.  There was a spring in his step, an upbeat tone and cadence to his voice and a brightness in his eyes.  I gave him $2 and wished him luck.  He shook my hand, said thanks and walked on to talk to other folks in the area.

7/14/11 - Week 28

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Workin' the Board

Union Square
San Francisco, CA

Taken 7/6/11
Posted 7/12/11 - Week 28

Snowcap in July

7/12/11 - Week 28
Flying over Yosemite today, I was surprised at the amount of snowcap remaining.  Posted for my buddy Irwin because I know how much he likes aerial shots.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


7/10/11 - Week 28
Table centerpiece from a wedding we attended last night. Processed for SliderSunday. HSS!


When I first met her in March and then again in May, it was purely by happenstance.  A sad story of a young girl living on the streets of San Francisco.  A situation so far from what I considered normal, it tore at my gut and my emotions.  As reported in my May encounter, I couldn't let it go.  I continued my efforts to build a relationship of trust with her and with her mom who lives in the US.  Many emails, phone calls with her mom, and a couple of dinners with her, sans camera, were the building blocks of this relationship.  And now, those efforts have paid off.  Our two meetings this week were not by accident, but rather planned as significant milestones in her return to what will hopefully be a meaningful and productive life.
Because of my regular travel to the Bay Area, I was able to assist her mom in arranging her trip to visit her extended family, by facilitating with money, passport, logistics and most importantly moral support and encouragement.  But I could not do it alone.  Through the wonderful Flickr photo community, I met a great person with a warm heart who in the 11th hour was able to provide a boost of encouragement and ensure she got to the airport.
So as I write this, she is enroute.  No one can predict the long-term outcome when she returns to the US, and for that, the jury is still out.  But on the question of was I doing the right thing by taking a risk and intervening as a total stranger, the verdict is a resounding YES.  Random acts of kindness can truly make a difference.
Taken 7/6/11
Posted 7/10/11 - Week 28

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Week 28 ☞ 07.09.11 - 07.15.11

Theme: Whatever I Want to Shoot or Post

I don't need any shooting pressure this week and may recap some of last week events with some postings.

Not everything I shoot makes it into the Project52.  If you are interested in checking out additional pictures, please see my Flickr Photostream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffm211/ 


Thursday, July 7, 2011


While I was waiting at the corner of Powell and Geary, he approached me carrying a basket partially full of books, a bouquet of balloons and a flower. He set down his basket, pulled out a book (Andy Warhol) and asked, "May I?" I said sure and he began reading passages from the book in a preacher-like manner. As he read, I started taking pictures and he didn't seem to mind. When he stopped to take a breather, we started a short conversation.

Michael is 61 years old and from Montana. He came to San Francisco to attend culinary school and worked in that industry for awhile. He also worked construction. Michael then read me some passages that he wrote, and they were quite good - inspirational in a way. I thanked him for his time and gave him $2. He offered me the flower; I thanked him and said it wasn't necessary and he should pass it on to someone else. He nodded in thanks and walked on to a nearby group…

7/6/11 - Week 27

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week 27 ☞ 07.02.11 - 07.08.11

Theme: Smallest Lens I Own (not the shortest)

I'm traveling again this coming week so will make it convenient by bringing my 50mm f1.8.

Not everything I shoot makes it into the Project52.  If you are interested in checking out additional pictures, please see my Flickr Photostream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffm211/ 


Friday, July 1, 2011

Under the "L"

6/30/11 - Week 26
Chicago, IL

Fashion vs. Comfort

6/30/11 - Week 26
Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL

Reflections in Trump

6/30/11 - Week 26
Trump Tower
Chicago, IL


He was standing on the Michigan Avenue bridge watching the flood of tourists and business folks walking to and from North Michigan Avenue. He had a sign asking for help. I approached him and explained the $2 Portraits project and Isom readily agreed to participate.

Isom's been on the streets for a couple of weeks and does not like to stay in shelters because it feels like you're in jail. Isom is 68 years old and spent his entire life in Chicago although his extended family were all from Arkansas and were cottonpickers. Isom grew up on the west side of Chicago where he had a family. His wife is deceased and his kids live out of state. He doesn't see them much. He said he made some bad decisions in life and does not want to burden his kids with his problems. "It's their time", he said. "I had my time." I thanked Isom for his time and gave him two dollars.

6/30/11 - Week 26