I have been posting to this blog for over 13 years, each year reporting on accomplishments over the prior year and goals for the new year.

2024 is a little different. I’ve decided that this Blog will be my main photography communication vehicle. Content will be varied and in the spirit of my approach to photography as described on the "About" page of my website at www.jeffmarcowitz.photography 

Unlike the past, all content posted here in the blog will NOT also be on the website Project W pages. I intend to make the Project W pages more of a curated collection of work representing the “Best Of” images posted here on the Blog. With a subscription, you'll continue to receive an email (with content) whenever I post to the Project W Blog.

Thanks to all of you who have followed this photo blog for many years and welcome to any newcomers. My hope is that the images and stories are interesting and thought-provoking as I continue this creative journey. As always, comments, critiques and suggestions (here and the website) are welcome and appreciated as they often lead to new ideas and inspiration.

Thank You.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lost Soles

Lost Soles
Via Flickr:
I haven't participated in TTT for a while. When walking through Chinatown last week, I came across this scene and thought it would be a perfect posting.

Submitted to TrashTalkTuesday. HTTT!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Special Dinner...

Special Dinner... Via Flickr:
I'll bet it is after sitting out on the street for a while!

Spotted in San Francisco's Chinatown 7/26/12.

Submitted for ClicheSaturday. HCS!

Friday, July 27, 2012


Via Flickr:
"Desperate". His cardboard sign beckoned as he sat along Powell Street in Union Square. I struck up a conversation, telling him about the $2 Portrait project to which he, in a sullen way, agreed to participate. As his story unfolded, I came to learn his sign was accurate.

Jerry is 45 years old and was originally was from Texas before his family moved to Oakland. His dad passed away and his mom still lives there but is in ill health. Jerry told me he and his wife (who is 41) have been homeless in San Francisco for a year. Shelter beds are hard to come by and he's been denied General Assistance with no reason given. I asked Jerry about his wife and he pointed her out panhandling across the street. Pregnant and due in September, Jerry and his wife are trying to get off the street before the baby comes. I asked if he had any other family in he area; he said no, but his wife has 4 grown children (of which two are constantly in trouble with the law). He went on to describe some of their transgressions.

Jerry also told me he had a spine injury from a car accident which is why he was sitting on Powell as opposed to standing by Union Square. I asked what kind of work he did before becoming injured and he said all kinds of work including sales (retail) and construction. He'd love to have a job doing anything but the market is very tough. I asked him if he's clean or using and he said absolutely clean…he's got a baby coming and baby comes first. Jerry was very well spoken and articulate which led me to believe he might be employable if given a break. I gave Jerry a few dollars and wished him luck.

[Image taken 7-26-12 w/ x100 in a darker area of Powell - hence the awful lack of sharpness]

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Two Right Hands

Two Right Hands

Via Flickr:
Took some colleagues to the blues jam at Redwood City's Little Fox. Didn't catch this guy's name but he was damn good!

Converted to b/w for SliderSunday. HSS!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Touch of Ivory

Touch of Ivory Via Flickr:
Redwood City Blues Jam
Little Fox
Redwood City, CA


Booming Via Flickr:
SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #21
"Feel, smell, hear the street ... contemplate life and capture your senses in an image" - Nayeli Cruz

The music was flowing out onto the street, drawing you in to experience the vibe up close and personal. While not technically taken on the street, the shot of this blues jam was certainly about the street.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Towers in Trouble - Plate I

Towers in Trouble - Plate I Via Flickr:
On 7/8/12, a brush fire broke out under the ComEd high tension lines. Equipment from 8 local communities was dispatched and after an hour or so, the fire was struck out. Cause: errant backyard fireworks.

Added to the 112 Pictures in 2012 group as #105 - Fog, Mist or Smoke.

Beep Beep

Beep Beep
Via Flickr:
When in Lake Geneva on our anniversary, we visited a favorite gallery. As a result, this roadrunner guy found a new home.

Submitted for SliderSundays - processed with selective color.

Added to the 112 Pictures in 2012 group as #44 - Souvenir or Memento

Friday, July 13, 2012

Second Floor Deck

Second Floor Deck
Via Flickr:
Managing the development of a building for LinkedIn in Mountain View, it was great to see the 2nd floor deck spread, allowing the roof work overhead to progress.

Added to the 112 Pictures in 2012 group as #15 - Stripes.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Just Like Home

Just Like Home Via Flickr:
In Hydra, there are no motorized vehicles. Donkeys and horses are used for transportation. Notwithstanding, some things are the same as here in the US...like guys driving along, talking on their cell phone and checking out the babes.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Which Came First...

Which Came First...  
Via Flickr:
...the Hair or the Shirt?

PrideFest 2012
Chicago, IL

Submitted for ClicheSaturday - Fashion. HCS!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Resurrection Project

Resurrection Project Via Flickr:
Mural at the Resurrection Project in Pilsen
Chicago, IL

Submitted for FenceFriday. HFF!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Via Flickr:
Giant cannoli stuffed with mini-cannolies; pistachio on one end and chocolate on the other. Served up and devoured by good friends on Independence Day.

As is often the case at holiday celebrations, I ate way too much.

Added to the 112 Pictures in 2012 group as #6 - Candy or Sweets

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Rules for Listless Hipster Shitheads

Rules for Listless Hipster Shitheads Via Flickr:
As seen on a sidewalk in North Beach
San Francisco, CA

And the Winner is...

And the Winner is...
Via Flickr:
PrideFest Pet Parade
Chicago, IL

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Vee Via Flickr:
For our 39th anniversary, Lin & I drove up to Lake Geneva for the day. Rented an 18' Bayliner speedboat and spent 2 hours cruising around Lake Geneva.

Added to the 112 Pictures in 2012 group as #53 - Summer