I have been posting to this blog for over 14 years, each year reporting on accomplishments over the prior year and goals for the new year.

In 2025 and beyond, this Blog will be my main photography communication vehicle. Content will be varied and in the spirit of my approach to photography as described on the "About" page of my website at www.jeffmarcowitz.photography 

The Project W pages on the website will be a curated collection of work representing the “Best Of” images posted here on the Blog. With a subscription, you'll continue to receive an email (with content) whenever I post to the Project W Blog.

Thanks to all of you who have followed this photo blog for many years and welcome to any newcomers. My hope is that the images and stories are interesting and thought-provoking as I continue this creative journey. As always, comments, critiques and suggestions (here and the website) are welcome and appreciated as they often lead to new ideas and inspiration.

Thank You.

Thursday, December 17, 2020


I haven’t made a $2 Portrait in a long time…largely due to Covid.  While in downtown Chicago today for a doctor appointment, I met Willie along Michigan Avenue.  He was hunkered down, trying to stay warm in the falling temperatures and light snow showers.  He agreed to let me take his picture for $2 Portraits.  Willie’s sign said “PLEASE HELP. I NEED CLOTHES THANK YOU ALSO MONEY FOR A ROOM THANK YOU MAY GOD BLESS”.  It must have worked because he was sporting a fairly new Ralph Lauren (Polo) parka.

Being out of $2 Portrait practice, I didn’t get Willie’s whole story.  I did learn he is 69 years old, was born in Mississippi and has been in Chicago for 50 years.  It sounded as if he doesn’t have a permanent place to live and was hoping to collect enough in order to get a room for the night.  I gave Willie $2; he smiled and reached out to bump elbows.

Taken 12/17/20

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