I am excited about joining the C.London 52 Week Photo Challenge community. Many thanks to Chelsea for providing this platform.
C.London52w1 - Setting Goals
From the C.London website, “In the next year we will challenge ourselves as photographers and artists. Setting goals is the first step in that journey. Right now in this moment think about what you’d like to achieve. Are you hoping to get better at portraits? Maybe you want to be able to document your travels more coherently? Maybe you just want to give yourself a new hobby and artistic outlet.
For our first week, set a goal and make a photograph which shares and documents that goal. We will revisit this midway through and at the end of the year.”
My photography goal in 2021 is to become a better visual storyteller. Every picture has a story. It may be factual. It may be fictional. It may be intentional. It may be accidental. It may be superficial or it may be deep. But it’s there, somewhere. I hope that my photos evoke questions about and/or connections with the stories.
So here we go! 2021 tools are ready, but is the creative eye ready? Time will tell…and your comments and critiques will be most helpful.
Apple iPhone 12 Pro @ f1.6 1/13 4.2mm ISO125
Flash fired
Photographed 1/1/21